Obama defends foreign policy on campaign trail

  • 12 years ago
U.S. President Barack Obama finishes a west coast campaign swing, delivering a speech to a spirited crowd in San Francisco.

Obama defended his administration's foreign policy after Republican rival Mitt Romney gave a speech on the topic earlier in the day.


"Governor Romney - he has a different view. He said it was tragic to end the war in Iraq. In a speech today, he doubled-down on that belief. He said ending the war was a mistake. I disagree. Bringing our troops home was the right thing to do. And every brave American who wears the uniform of this country should know that as long as I'm commander-in-chief, we will sustain the strongest military the world's ever known."

Romney has increased his criticism of the Obama administration's foreign policy, seeking to build on a recent attack on the American consulate in Benghazi that killed the U.S. Ambassador.

With just weeks left in the close race some polls show Romney pulling slightly ahead Obama after his performance in the first presidential debate last week. But most polls still suggest Obama retains the lead.
