Swan calls GOP 'crazies'

  • 12 years ago
It's been a tough week for Mitt Romney and the Republicans.

His campaign has been downplaying comments he made about Obama supporters being ovelry dependent on the government.

And now this... just weeks from the November election, his party is getting criticised from the other side of the planet.

Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan said Friday the biggest hazard to the world's economy is the fact that the GOP has been hijacked by extremists.


"Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are the cranks and crazies that have taken over a part of the Republican Party."


"Despite President Obama's goodwill and strong efforts, the national interest there was held hostage by the rise of the extreme Tea Party wing of the Republican Party. There can be few things more alarming in public policy than a political movement which was genuinely prepared to see the government of the United States default on its obligations in order to score a political point."

Its hard to say how Swan's remarks may or may not hurt the Governor come election time.

There are about 6 million Americans living abroad.