Car bomb kills five outside Damascus

  • 12 years ago
Mangled metal and cars fried to a crisp --- the aftermath of a bomb that killed five people and injured 27, just outside of Damascus.

And inside the capitol ----this message from the government.

Syrian Information Minister Omran Zoabi.

SOUNDBITE: Syrian information Omran Zoabi.

"Nobody should worry. Our situation in Syria is very good on the level of leadership, government, institutions and army. Everything is under control and nothing will be different. Their kind of terrorist acts ensures what I am talking about."

His went on to say that peace won't be possible if international support for armed groups continues.

SOUNDBITE: Syrian Information Minister Omran Zoabi saying:

"What is needed is for the weapons, money and training to stop. Any initiative or effort will not succeed if some countries continue to adopt this position."

Violence, particularly on the outskirts of the capital has intensified in recent weeks. Opposition groups says that the military is back in control in Damascus and are shelling neighboring areas as part of a push to drive rebels from the capital.
