Loving Grandparents org.

  • 12 years ago
Before starting this charity, whenever I donated money I wondered where my money would go. Today I do not need to worry about that anymore because I decided to get involved in charity personally.
My aim is to give a personal touch to this organisation and to make sure that the support reaches the people who genuinely need it.
This year we intend to collect a minimum of £1,000.00 that we will donate to a shelter for elderly people in Pune and lonavala (India).

As Diwali is one of the biggest religious festivals in India, we would like to provide food and clothing for those who need it.

We operate with 100% transparency in our system. You, as a donor, have the right to ask us where your money will go; how it will be handled; and ask for any proofs.We will be happy to answer your questions

Loving Grandparents has a separate bank account to assure clear transactions. As I go to India twice a year at my own expense I will personally contact the receivers of your support.
