Russia remains cautious over Syria UN draft

  • 12 years ago
Arab delegations have dismissed as unacceptable Russian amendments aimed at weakening a draft resolution that backs an Arab plan for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step aside, diplomats have said.

"The Arabs have rejected them and they're pushing ahead," a senior Western diplomat said about the Russian amendments to the Arab-drafted plan.

Several other diplomats confirmed his remarks, saying the Russian proposals, seen as supporting Moscow's key ally in the Middle East, were unacceptable and would have diluted the resolution's message.

The UN General Assembly plans to debate a new draft resolution supporting an Arab League plan on Thursday.

The Arab League is hoping Russia and China will soften their stance after blocking the first attempt at getting a resolution passed by the Security Council.

But as Al Jazeera's Rory Challands reports from Moscow, Russia remains cautious.
