Aamir Khan To Take Up Farming! - Bollywood Gossip

  • 12 years ago
Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan will soon try his hands on farming in his ancestral property in Shahabad, Uttar Pradesh,India. Watch the video to know more. Subscribe now and watch for more of Bollywood Entertainment Videos at http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rajshri. Regular Facebook Updates http://www.facebook.com/RajshriDotCom. Twitter Updates https://twitter.com/#!/RajshriDotCom. Follow us on google plus: https://plus.google.com/u/1/b/111699328828561769924/posts . Get some more dose from http://www.rajshri.com/. Watch more http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82E2F4C0F81BFADE&feature=view_all for the latest bollywood film reviews, makings & trailers