Chinese casino in 'Golden Triangle' lead to questions of drug ties

  • 12 years ago
A new Chinese-built casino in on the banks of the Mekong River in Laos is adding to concerns of a resurgence of the area's infamous drug trade.

The King's Roman Casino along the borders of 'The Golden Triangle' - an area around the bordering nations of of Laos, Myanmar and Thailand - for Chinese tourists has raised questions about the area's infamous drug trade.

Casino management say the establishment has no connections to the drug trade, but recent evidence have only led to increased inquiries about the dubious building's function. Police recently found 20 sacks of methamphetamine pills on the compound grounds, a stash valued at $1.6mn. Last month, 13 Chinese sailors were murdered a kilometre from the grounds of the casino. The Thai army found almost one million pills on the 2 boats, which according to some reports, were headed to the casino.

Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay reports from the casino grounds in Bokeo, Laos.