Concerns over Egypt vote transparency

  • 12 years ago
The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest opposition group, has accused authorities of carrying out a widespread crackdown on its members in the run-up to parliamentary elections.

It came as human rights groups warned the country's election campaign was becoming increasingly violent.

A Muslim Brotherhood spokesman said on Monday that more than a thousand of its members had been detained in the weeks preceding the November 28 vote.

"There is a complete siege on the Muslim Brotherhood members," Essam Al Arian said.

Over the last few days, processions and campaign rallies for the group's candidates across the country had been disrupted by police he said, adding that "rubber bullets were also fired on some occasions."

Despite calls from within the group to boycott the elections, party officials said it would persevere with its campaign.

As many throughout the country are concerned over whether the vote will be free and fair, the country's independent election monitors have threatened to boycott their observation mission if there is lack of transparency.

Ayman Mohyeldin reports from Cairo, the capital.
