Teleseminar Insider Secrets

  • 17 years ago
There's a woman who converted over 100% of her list. That's right 100%+ What do you, me and this conversion genius have in common with: Stephen Covey, Harv Eker, Vic Conant, Joe Vitale, Joe Polish, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Harvey Mackay, Robert Allen, Michael Gerber, David Bach, Robert Cialdini, Bob Proctor, Barbara DeAngelis, Joe Vitale, Scott Martineau, Steve Harrison, David Allen, Ted Thomas, Tom Antion, Jay Abraham?

All of us wanted to be successful at marketing. Teleseminars made the difference.
Mary decided to pursue marketing with teleseminars. With a list of 82, she had 93 people on her call. Now I'm no mathematician, but that's over a 100% conversion ratio. And you're converting at 7%? Probably not...Mary made several thousand dollars on her very first paid for teleseminar.She first learned how to do that at:

We've made VIP arrangements for you to be on the telephone for a $99.00 training with Alex Mandossian with a $79.00 discount. Alex's monthly income is now his daily income all from teleseminars. Don't you wish your monthly income was your daily income? Sure you do - me too. So what we want you to do is go to:

Do it right now to hear a special message from Alex about this call. Don't put it off, do it now, take action and we'll see you there on the call...C'mon - you know you're curious.

Danny Guspie & Heidi Nabert - The Podcast Gurus