Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 Highlights | FashionTV

  • 12 years ago | I LOVE FashionTV | JAKARTA - FashionTV brings you the highlights of Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 at the Jakarta Convention Center, featuring FashionTV's very own F Couture Collection by Omar Matini as well as designers and brands like Auguste Soesastro, Stella Rissa, Oka Diputra, Andreas Odang, Yosafat, Nikicio, Barli Asmara, Sofie, Espen Salberg, Carmanita, Ali Charisma, Ardistia, Mardiana Ika, Ferry Sunarto, Musa Widyatmodjo, Anne Avantie, Defrico Audy, Ghea Panggabean, and Deden Siswanto. FashionTV brings you the best of Indonesia Fashion Week! See more Fashion TV at