Three Plutonium Brothers of Japan: "It's So Safe You Can Drink It"/プルトニウム三兄弟「プルトニウムはそんなに危険じゃない」

  • 12 年前
This video clip is a combination of three different remarks about plutonium from Japanese pro-nuke scientists. They are:

(1)Tadashi Narabayashi
Professor in Engineering
at Hokkaido University
(in TV Asahi "Sunday Scramble" on Apr. 3, 2011)

(2)Keiichi Nakagawa
Associate Professor in Radiology
The University of Tokyo Hospital
(in Nippon TV "news every" on Mar. 29, 2011)

(3)Hirotada Ohashi
Professor in System Innovation
University of Tokyo
(at a panel discussion in Saga Pref. on Dec. 25, 2005, regarding using MOX fuel at Genkai Nuke Plant)

Translation by EX-SKF ( and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.


