Occupy London

  • 12 years ago

STORY: Anti-capitalism protesters from the Occupy movement began a new protest in the City of London on Saturday as part a global day of action seeing thousands of people rallying in cities including Moscow, New York, Athens and Madrid, organizers said.

Several hundred people gathered outside St. Paul's Cathedral for a rally before "visiting the 1%" at the offices of some of the largest firms in the financial heart of the capital.

It comes more than six months after members of campaign group Occupy London were prevented from occupying the square in heart of the City of London.

Instead, activists set up camp outside St. Paul's Cathedral just yards away from the Stock Exchange and remained there for four and a half months.

At the start of May police arrested five people after between 50 and 100 anti-capitalist protesters set up a temporary camp outside the London Stock Exchange following May Day demonstrations. They moved into nearby Paternoster Square with tents and supplies on May 1, but were forced to leave by officers several hours later.

Human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, joined the protesters outside St. Paul's Cathedral on Saturday. "At the grass-roots level I'm one of the ordinary people, there is a ground-swell of opinion that the economic system has failed us and needs to be change," he said.