Five demonstators killed in Syria

  • 12 years ago
Violence in Syria has continued with little pause despite a UN brokered peace plan last month. Activists say Syrian forces killed at least five people in the northern city of Aleppo on Friday.

Hundreds participated in anti-government demonstrations throughout the country. Reuters cannot independently verify the content of this video which was uploaded to a social media website.

In Damascus, there was a more modest turnout in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

Airport employe Munif Al Abdallah says he thinks criticism of Assad is unwarranted.

SOUNDBITE: Employee At Damascus Airport, Munif Al-Abdallah saying:

"I think there is no problem at all in Syria. The problem, the only problem, is these groups or these armed people who aim to kill our people, to kill our country."

Many in this crowd say foreign involvement is responsible for the unrest and not the president.

Deborah Gembara, Reuters.
