Superheros land in New York

  • 12 years ago
Superheroes take over Madame Tussauds.

Captain American and Thor were added to the wax attraction's collection of Marvel characters.

Tussaud manager Bret Pidgeon explained the new interactive experience.

SOUNDBITE: Bret Pidgeon, general manager of Madame Tussauds, saying:

"Here at Madame Tussauds New York, the Marvel superheroes experience, you're going to be able to get up close and personal to the superheroes like you've never had before. So, we've just launched a new Captain America and Thor figure, where you can get right up next to them, have a photo taken with them and really interact with them. And then you get to see a 4D film that features those actors. It's going to be really exciting."

The heroes are exact replicas of actors Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth, who play Thor and Captain America in the new Avengers movie.

Sculptors replicated the heroes right down to their stance.

SOUNDBITE: Bret Pidgeon, general manager of Madame Tussauds, saying:

"The costume for Captain America was donated from Marvel, so it's really great to partner with them in this whole program because it really makes it authentic for people to come and get that experience."

Putting the cherry on top of the whole experience is a new interactive 4D film that allows vistors to step into the action.

Pint-sized fan Caden was excited to give his review.

SOUNDBITE: Caden, Avengers fan, saying:

"It was good."

[REPORTER QUESTION: "What was your favorite part?"]

SOUNDBITE: Caden, Avengers fan, saying:

"Where the hands crawled on your feet and the chair poked you in the back."

And if this sounds like something you'd like, you can see The Avengers when it opens on May 4th.

Alicia Powell, Reuters.