Eight taxi drivers gunned down in Mexico

  • 12 years ago
Eight taxi drivers are dead - after a new spate of violence hit the drug-ravaged northern Mexico state of Nuevo Leon.

According to Mexican daily El Norte, armed men in minivans opened fire on two black market taxi bases in Guadalupe at about 2pm local time.

The attacks took place near the crime-ridden city of Monterrey, and authorities are investigating links to local gangs and cartels.

One street vendor said that despite living outside of Monterrey the area is still not safe.


"It's not the first time this has happened to us. It's happened in other municipalities. We go out to work thinking that things are becoming more peaceful but no I think it's the opposite. You leave more scared, at more risk with all that is happening around. Perhaps if you live further away, but sometimes if you live further away, like us here, it still reaches you."

Attacks like this are not uncommon in parts of northern Mexico.

In recent years violence has soared in the region, as rival cartels battle over lucrative drug trafficking routes to the United States.

Travis Brecher, Reuters