Roy's Crazy Show 82, Tell Laura I Love Her.

  • 12 years ago
Dear viewers,
here is a short sad one, to cheer you up.
As far as i know, it was made famous, by a chap called Ray Peterson..
it has probably been covered a few times since then, and now i am doing it.
i have always believed that a song, is a form of theatre, be it in the mind..
you can get to anyone, depending on the song one sings, and the way it is delivered.
as it is a sad song, i have tried to encompass that, by putting some feeling into it.
not sure if have succeeded...i'll let you be the judge of that.
thanks once again, for putting me up on the dizzy highs of 1100 plus hits.
you don't know how good, that makes me feel
please enjoy
take care
