Roy's Crazy Show, 73..Like Sister and Brother.

  • 12 years ago
Dear Roy-Ship,
I hope you liked my previous Clip.
Here is another, taken from my first Flick.
Please try to enjoy.

PS, I was only joking about performing nude.
You wouldn't want to see that, would you!,
Might spoil your breakfast, and i don't want to ruin any reputation i might have with you, Plus i don't want to get arrested.
Perhaps it is best, that i keep it clean...The film, i mean!!!.
No...sorry Girls, you'll just have to use your imagination.
Just picture a Slug, and you won't be far wrong.
Besides, you never know who else might be watching!!!
Perhaps i'll have a re think in the summer.
I might just strut my Slug like stuff, in just my flashy, Union Jack Boxer shorts, and if you've been keeping up with these comments, you should already know all about that..
Those Woman friends of mine, certainly do, and i think they have already planned, another repeat drink fill performance, but this time when the Rugby is not on, to cause any distractions. Oh, woe is me!!.
Take care
