YUKINA (BalconyTV)

  • 5 years ago

"I remember my aunt playing Roxy Music. I was six, maybe. And I was entranced. She was so taken by my reaction that she gave me the album. There was something in the sound that I couldn't describe. I was fascinated. For years I had no way to describe it. Until I grew up and found out what that sound was. It was sleaze." Yukina came about as a way to bring together the various genres that influence frontman Stuart Doyle, after he had been playing in bands that were too easily pigeon-holed. "I wanted to create something that would cross genres, some sort of rocked-up disco with soul and based in the blues, but also accessible." Since 2002's demo Comin'Round, a home-made release only sold to mates in order to pay some back rent, Yukina have gone through a few shapes until Stu was approached to play with Dublin rockers Melted. In return, he enlisted their drummer Scott Davis and bassist Mark Carroll as drummer and percussionist to add to Yukina's existing bassist Alan Sheridan and singer, and younger sister, Julie Doyle. From Spain came Myriam Leon-Barrena bringing acoustics and vocals. "The mix of musicians seemed right, a blend of influences that suited the original idea. I had spent some time in Spain playing solo gigs. There I got to play to some very strange audiences and in unusual venues. Some gigs were tough, some gigs went brilliantly, all the while I would have preferred to have had my band, playing alone in the land that gave birth to the guitar. I had no idea what the locals would make of me. It was there I learned to give it my all, to believe in the soul of the song."


Tune in again tomorrow!!!
