Vision Without Glasses--[Secret Tecnique]

  • hace 12 años

Vision Without Glasses--[Secret Tecnique]

15-minutes-a-day action plan to literally FORCE your entire visual system to work as a cohesive unit to self-correct and promote crystal clear sight and naturally regain perfect 20/20 vision in 1 - 3 months!

The grave mental danger posed by authoritarian doctors and optometrists, and a simple 3-second trick to brush off their sticky negative influence in a heartbeat... (hint: you want placebo to work in YOUR favor, and not the other way around!)

The proper way to use glasses and contacts without ruining your progress towards the natural state of vision without glasses...

A deadly diagnostic mistake made by most doctors and optometrists concerning the difference between strained and stressed eyesight... and how to correct both ailments from the comfort of your own home!

Fool-proof 60-second relief from headaches and eye strain without drugs, pills, or other harm