• 5 years ago
It might seem strange that a mother of three, working in insurance, who had never done a gig, decided to record an album of her own songs but that's exactly what Eva Porter has done.

Eva has been been writing songs since the age of twelve and has always had a passion for music but never took it further than home.

It was only when her then 6 year old son told her on a drive home one night, after they had been singing along to a song Eva had written, that he thought his mum should make a record, that Eva decided to give it go.

18 months ago the journey from singing her songs to her children to sharing them on her debut album "Heart on my Sleeve" began in earnest.

It started with a phone call to Eva's uncle, Cork singer & soon to be co-writer Joe Corbett. Over the next year, Eva & Joe collaborated on the songs for the album.


Tune in again tomorrow!!!