• 5 years ago
BALCONYTV.COM 27/06/2008
Born in 1980. I always loved music and it has kept me sane through the insanities and banalities of life as a struggling fighting starving artist. I have travelled throughout Europe and try still to keep my ears open for new music or simply stuff that is new to me. Playing as both a solo artist and in various bands I have performed in pubs, clubs, bars, theatres, toliets, retirement homes, on street corners, bridges, rooftops, radio shows and television to name but a few places. I write daily and sing constantly. Its been a long journey with enough twists to keep Machiavelli guessing but I am still loving it...Currently I am back in Ireland gigging extensivley and recording an album in Dundrum with Hothouse Music. - Jamie McDonald


Tune in again tomorrow!!!