• 5 years ago
BALCONYTV.COM 21/11/2006
JR is made up of singer/songwriter Kiernan McMullan and Adam Hourigan of the band Idle hands- These two boys met first at a hotel bar in thailand. Kiernan walked in ordered a scotch, Adam saw the guitar on his back and said "make that 2." That night was the first JR jam session and the next day it was off to the markets to find new attire for gigs. On the way in, however they were mugged by two passerbies. They took all of our money and Adam's photo of that weird guy from CSI that he keeps in his back pocket and kept us at gunpoint. They told us that if we told anyone they would find us and kill us. Kiernan asked the men to please answer one question before they left, "what are your names." They replied, "im johnson, this is get back on the ground!" And off they ran. Kiernan and Adam now call themselves Johnson and Rondale respectively... Or is that what really happened!? Some say it went like this: 16 years ago Kiernan and Adam, were small children just starting in primary school. Kiernan grew up in Boston and at that time Adam lived in a city in England that would only appear to the normal eye once in a full moon. Due to there teachers having been school friends, they became penpals at an early age. Flash forward to 1 year ago...The lads send each other their 6, 354th letters and decide to meet up in Limerick City Ireland! When they arrived in Shannon airport they were the last off the plane having met previously in an english airport. When they left the aircraft everyone was gone, no staff;no passengers. They made their way to the baggage claim;still no people in site. Only two bags rotating around one with Johnson written on it, the other with Rondale. They knew what they had to do, they took the bags and with them, their new lives.

Tune in again tomorrow!!!
