Russian girl band declares war on Putin

  • 12 years ago

These women have a message - and they're not afraid to say it.

They call themselves 'Pussy Riot' and are Russia's latest internet phenomenon.

They're angry with Russia's political authorities, in particular Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

They formed the punk group after Russian president Dmitry Medvedev announced in September last year that he and Putin would switch roles in the upcoming elections in March 2012 - thus giving Putin the top job of president.

This announcement led many Russians to believe that the future of their country was being decided behind closed doors.

It sparked mass protests, but they weren't nearly enough for 'Pussy Riot'.

SOUNDBITE Cat, Pussy Riot performer, saying (Russian):

"The whole world was surprised. But citizens didn't react very actively to it. We thought that now people would stage demonstrations until Medvedev apologised. But nothing like that happened. And it prompted us to act."

And their actions did not remain unnoticed.

During the filming of this music video, 'Pussy Riot' were arrested but immediately gained the attention of social media.

The video went viral on the Russian internet and scored more than 540,000 hits to date.

What 'Pussy Riot' are doing is new:

SOUNDBITE Schumacher, Pussy Riot performer, saying (Russian):

"For many artists unti lnow, to think about politics was something below them. They said 'politics' like an obscene word. But now the situation is changing a little bit because of the mass protests. People start to understand the role they may play in politics."

'Pussy Riot' has no lead singer.

The women say they wear masks as a way of emphasising the cohesiveness of the group -- not becasue they want to hide.

The names they use and their costumes are all interchangeable.

And their resolution is to keep going, no matter how long it takes.

Mirja Mey, Reuters
