A Prophetic Word for the Brokenhearted

  • 12 years ago
Prophecy Extracts:
"Thus saith YAHUVEH; MY beloved whom I treasure like no other treasure you have on earth. I see your pain. It is deep wracking pain for you are so misunderstood. How can people not of MY Spirit feel your pain or see what I have shown you or told you? Would they not have also called John the Baptist insane? Would they not have also sought to tranquilize him for his behavior and Elijah, Jeremiah and all MY Prophets? Think what would this modern day world that shuts out the voice of Almighty YAHUVEH do with these prophets of old?

You are like a Jonah being sent to Ninevah and how few have listened or heard MY warnings. But they shall see as what I have spoken through you will come to pass. Think not it strange for those you think are saved, are they truly? Do you really know their hearts, those that inflict great gaping wounds in your soul? I have not sent them to torment you for you are MY beloved treasure. (...)
Amightywind.com Messianic Jewish Ministry
