Gingrich: Establishment "right to be worried" about Gingrich nomination

  • 12 years ago
Fresh from his victory in the Republican South Carolina primary, presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich tells NBC's Meet the Press that the quote establishment should fear his nomination.
"Well the establishment is right to be worried about a Gingrich nomination because we are going to make the Establishment very uncomfortable . We are going to demand real change in Washington."
Gingrich's come-from-behind triumph injects unexpected volatility into a Republican nominating race that until this week appeared to be a coronation for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.
Gingrich attacked Romney's business record at private equity firm Bain Capital. He also has gone after Romney for his reluctance to release personal tax information, which Romney now says will be released later in the week.
"I think that is a very good thing he is doing, and I commend him for it, and I think it is exactly the right thing to do."
Romney, who just a week before the South Carolina primary had a double digit lead, has pointed to Gingrich's past ethics lapses and alluded to his messy personal life.
The thrice-married Gingrich has fended off publicity about his turbulent marital history. On Thursday, he rejected his second wife's accusation that he had asked her for an "open marriage" while he was having an affair with another woman in the 1990s.
"Last night, on stage Callista and I were together. We have a wonderful marriage. My two daughters and their husbands were there, tremendous supporters. My two grandchildren were there, my chief debate coaches. Everybody who has watched us knows that I am a 69-year old grandfather. I have done things my life that I regret I have had to go to God for forgiveness and reconciliation. But I have a great relationship with my wife, a great relationship with my children, a great relationship with my grandchildren and at 68, I think I am the person best prepared to know how to get this country back on the right track, and I am the person who is tough enough to take every single hit and keep coming, and I will do the same thing as President."
Now the campaign heads to Florida, where voters go to the polls January 31st, and Romney starts off with a wide lead.
Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
