Biden staffer put reporter in closet (美國副總統幕僚把記者關進櫥櫃)
  • 12 years ago Democratic supporter Alan Ginsburg recently held a fundraiser at his Florida home for Vice President Joe Biden. Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers was assigned to cover the event, but he wasn't allowed to mingle with guests. To ensure the reporter didn't wander, a Biden staffer put Powers in a tiny storage closet. While guests munched on fancy snacks, Powers was only given a bottle of water. Powers waited more than an hour. He would pop his head out but was told to go back inside. He mailed a photo of his 'prison' to his editor. When Biden finally arrived to speak, Powers was let out. After Biden was finished, Powers was put back into the closet. Powers, however, has it easy. At least he doesn't have to follow Biden on the fund raising trail. 民主黨支持者艾倫‧金斯堡最近在他佛羅里達豪宅裡為副總統拜登舉辦募款晚會。 奧蘭多守望報記者史考特‧鮑爾斯被指派報導此事件,卻被禁止與來賓互動。 為確保記者不到處走動,一名拜登幕僚把鮑爾斯關進一間小工具間。 當賓客們吃著精緻美食,鮑爾斯卻只有一瓶水可喝。 鮑爾斯等了一個多小時,他探出頭想看看狀況卻被制止。他寄了一張他在「監獄」裡的照片給編輯看。當拜登終於抵達會場演講,鮑爾斯被准許出來;但結束後,鮑爾斯又被趕進工具間裡。鮑爾斯卻輕鬆面對此事,至少他不需要 追隨著拜登的募款之路。 