Triple bomb attack kills 3 in Iraq

  • 13 years ago
The aftermath of a triple bomb attack in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk.
An initial bomb planted outside a house belonging to a member of the City Council exploded, and then two others went off a short time later as the police arrived and people gathered at the scene.
One person was killed and at least 15 wounded, including five policemen.
"Three bombs went off. When the first bomb went off I went out to see. A second bomb went off and my mother and I were wounded and we are now hospitalised."
The oil-rich city of Kirkuk is ethnically divided between Iraqi Arabs, Kurds, and Turkmen, and is a potential flashpoint for conflict as U.S. troops prepare to withdraw from Iraq by the end of the year.
Attacks this year have often targeted local government offices or Iraqi security forces, as insurgents try to destablise the power-sharing government.
Nick Rowlands, Reuters.