Rescue efforts continue in Turkey

  • 13 years ago
Another devastating blow for Turkey... a 5.7 magnitude earthquake hits the eastern part of the country, less than three weeks after another deadly tremor in the same area.
Officials say up to 100 people could still be trapped, under the rubble of dozens of buildings that collapsed... three people have been confirmed dead.
Rescue efforts are underway, as relief workers use heavy machinery to remove the wreckage.
According to local media, 11 people have been rescued so far from beneath the rubble of two hotels that were destroyed.
Including this person... a Japanese woman who had been trapped under the rubble for almost six hours.
Rescuers say she is injured but conscious, and was able to speak as she was carried to an ambulance.
Wednesday's earthquake comes after a 7.6 magnitude tremor hit on October 23, killing about 600 people.
There have been hundreds of aftershocks since, and thousands of people are still camping out in tents in freezing conditions.
Julie Noce, Reuters
