The casualties of Sirte

  • 13 years ago
At least three fighters were killed in clashes with Gaddafi loyalists on Thursday as the new interim government's forces advanced on Sirte.
The fighters, based at Um al-Khonfos, 100 kms away from Sirte, are trying to expel Gaddafi forces from the former Libyan leader's hometown.
Despite the sweeping and sudden nature of their victory in Tripoli two weeks ago after six months of civil war, the new leadership is still struggling to impose its authority across the entire country.
Stalemates around Sirte, Bani Walid and south into the desert town of Sabha -- all pro-Gaddafi bastions -- mean the original rebel stronghold of Benghazi is still largely cut off from Tripoli, an 800-km (500-mile) drive away to the west.
Libya's new rulers say they will abide by a truce until Saturday to allow negotiated surrenders at the desert town of Bani Walid as well as Gaddafi's home town of Sirte, on the coast.