Comedy Show Jay Hind! Episode 66 : Cementing Great Comedy with a BIKINI

  • 13 years ago
(telecast date 15th April, 2010) Comedy Show Jay Hind! Episode 66 : Cementing Great Comedy with a BIKINI: With this rock solid episode, Jay Hind! cements its place (literally) in the Comedy Halls of Fame :))) Featuring: Insanely stupid "BIKINI" advertising from JK Cement, Aamir Vs Javed - The Fight Over Copyright, plus Sumeet's Stand Up act featuring Telgi, TRS, SIMI, Rahul Gandhi, Maruti Cervo, Munir Khan, Nitin Gadkari and other assorted nincompoops who make up the pages of our newspapers! Boothnath on Irritating Cold Drink Ads and last but not the least - Savita bhabhi Ke Sexy Solutions on Blood Sucking Bites! Keep living, keep Laughing! Jay Hind! 
