Anjem Choudary Works For British Government

  • 13 years ago
Dunno why this 'man' is ever listened to, he must appeal only to those of low-intelligence.
How do you think he is allowed to claim benefit whilst obviously fit to work?
Because the state is FUNDING him.
This moron works for british government and his 'work' consists of stirring up racial hatred whenever he can.
If you wonder why you may be racially targetted whilst walking down the street, perhaps Anjem ( wrongly ) gave them a 'reason' to hate you?
Choudary is a paid antagoniser, hate preacher and fearmonger.
He is NOT your friend, but the enemy of everyone.
We are all ruled over by elites because they succeed in using people like Choudary to DIVIDE us all, using racism and suspicion as weapons against us.
As with all extremists : they should be ignored.
