Jaan Tere Naam - Part 91/15 - Bollywood Movie - Ronit Roy, Farheen

  • 13 years ago
Jaan Tere Naam - Bollywood Movie - 1992 Directed By : Deepak Balraj Vij, Starring : Ronit Roy, Farheen, Navneet Nishan, Ms.Joan David, Siddharth Ray, Meena Pahwa, Vijay Arora, Ravi Baswani, Sulabha Deshpande, Balbinder Dhami, Anju Mahendru, Ronit Roy, Shahnaaz, Ajit Vachani, Ali Asgar, Nisha & Sulbha Deshpande Music Director : Nadeem Shravan Synopsis : Jaan Tere Naam tells us a story about how Pinky and Sunil fall for each other in college and later how various misunderstandings make space in their relation. Does their love fructifies into marriage? 
