The Tenant's Guide to Mold

  • 13 years ago
If you are living in a rented house or apartment, you definitely should read the The Tenant's Guide to Mold. This document, created by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, contains vital information that you should know as a tenant. At the bottom of the video I've put the web address for this document, and it will visible at the end of this clip, so don't rush off just yet to grab that pencil and paper. Mold doesn't discriminate. . . it will show up in rental homes just as frequently as in any other home or dwelling. It will be important to know whose responsibility it is to address the mold problem - you, or the landlord. The document provides answers to many questions that you might have about mold - what it is, what makes it grow, why is a concern, and how you can tell if it's mold, are just a few of the questions that are answered for you.