Paintings Ersan Tokoglu. Art gallery ImagineYmaG'ART

  • hace 13 años
Ersan Tokoglu
I was born in Canakkale at 1964. Turkey.
After finishing studying “Human Research Management” for having a Master Degree, I decided to spend time for what I interested in for years: Painting. I study especially watercolor. I am also interested in contemporary art lately. And nowadays, I am attending a Ph. D program about work of arts in one of most famous and qualified universities, Hacettepe (Ankara, Turkey) Now, I am very happy of to be enlightened by the literature of work of arts.
Lastly, I should make you aware of one of my most important beliefs: We, the people, should never ever kill nature and we learn and focus natural life in water. I see that the life in water presents us a miraculous organized structure as an example and inspires an artist to create new performances.
