Royal wedding could be screened in 3D
  • 13 years ago

Broadcasters are "optimistic" about plans to show the Royal wedding in 3-D but the final decision will lie with Buckingham Palace officials.

The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey, on Friday April 29, is expected to draw in a huge worldwide audience.

Mike Darcey, Chief Operating Officer at BSkyB, said 3-D technology was suited to "event television".

He said: "It could be those big sporting events, maybe those big arts events, potentially those big sort of general entertainment events where you really, really make an appointment to view it."

He told a meeting of the Broadcasting Press Guild: "I suspect the key decision maker is probably going to be the Royal family, rather than the BBC."

He added: "We're optimistic, we're hopeful that we can persuade them this will be a good thing."

Broadcasters began meeting last year to discuss how the event will be covered.