TURN ME ON! Energizing, Fat Burning Workout!

  • 13 years ago
This workout is all you need to get you all fired up and energized for the day! Start burning fat NOW! This is the sequence: Set your Gymboss interval timer for 20 sec intervals. 1. High knees/jumping lunges/reptile run Do all the exercises for 20 secs and repeat the sequence 2 more times for a total of 3 mins. 2. push up to tricip push up Perform the exercise for 2 sets of 20 secs to total 40 secs 3. Swimming/ Superman lift off/ snowboard jumps Do all the exercises for 20 secs and repeat the sequence 2 more times for a total of 3 mins. 4. Star Jumps Perform the exercise of 20 secs for a total of 40 secs. That is one circuit! Perform another one! 16 minutes is all you need! Make sure to have a good warm up and cool down. Stay present in the exercises. The focus creates the result. It's not about doing the workout, it's about feeling it! Make sure to have FUN!!! Lots of Love XX!!!
