Nightclub city LEVEL and MONEY Hack (as of oct.31,2010) ...

  • 13 years ago
Download link: 1. Install Charlie Web Debugger - go to this site to download it : When you already have Charles on your pc 2. Log in to your Facebook acct ( don't open nightclub city yet) 3. Open Charles Web debugger 4. On firefox click Tools | Charles | Install Charles CA SSL Certificate 5. Open Nightclub City 6. Make sure the Bar supplies is FULL (drinks) 7. Click Workers or Entorauge 8. Open Charles Web Debugger...then look for .......then click TAS | USER | GET USER...then right click...then check BREAKPOINT 9. Reload/Refresh Firefox 10. Go to your Charles Debugger then wait for the EXECUTE command to it 11. then click EDIT RESPONSE...then click TEXT...then maximize the window 12. Edit the TOTAL MONEY and MONEY values : Total money = 9000000000 Money = 1000000000 - then click EXECUTE 13. On your nightclub, check your new level and money and voila u are now rich! lol 14. but lastly Click REDECORATE and buy any item then click DONE...don't forget to do this ok so that's it..this video will become obsolete so yeah do it now...but take note i don't think u'll enjoy it more by doing so..^_^