Probe into twins' death at scandal-hit hospital

  • 14 years ago

Preliminary tests suggest that twins who passed away after they were born at a scandal-hit NHS hospital died because they were so premature, according to police.

Alfie Shaun and Harry Stuart McQuillan were two days old when they died on November 1, an officer at the south Staffordshire coroner's office said.

The babies died at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire after being transferred from Stafford Hospital, which has been heavily criticised for appalling levels of care and is the subject of an ongoing public inquiry.

Antony Sumara, chief executive of Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Stafford Hospital, said a member of staff had been suspended following the deaths of the twins.

According to unconfirmed reports, health officials are examining whether the twins were given incorrect doses of a drug.

A Staffordshire Police spokesman said the twins were born prematurely, adding: "Post-mortem examinations by a Home Office pathologist proved inconclusive and further tests will now be carried out."

Peter Walsh, chief executive of patient safety charity Action Against Medical Accidents, said: "This is one of those awful, awful tragedies. It is impossible to say whether it has got anything to do with systemic problems at the trust or whether it is a tragic one-off.

"It is a dreadful, unimaginable tragedy for the family and it is yet another blow for morale at the trust at a time when it is already vulnerable."
