Will Cameron be remembered?

  • 14 years ago

New reasearch suggests David Cameron may not be recognised by future generations as some Brits do not remember Winston Churchill.

Churchill is regarded as one of Britain's greatest leaders, but in the week of the 70th anniversary of his first election to PM, a new survey has found one in five adults failed to identify him.

Undertaken by The Royal Mint, the survey polled over 1,000 Brits, asking people to identify Churchill, Thatcher and Blair from a photo line-up.

Not surprisingly 97 per cent of those surveyed picked out Blair and 98 per cent Thatcher.

However, it seems despite his historical importance, as the years have passed so has the public's recognition of Churchill, with some members of the population believing him to be Stephen Fry, Charlie Chaplin or Michael Gambon.

The Royal Mint is this week releasing a £5 commemorative coin to mark the 70 years since Churchill became Prime Minister.
