Protester invades stage during PM speech

  • 14 years ago

Gordon Brown has given an impassioned speech calling for "justice, dignity, fairness" as the three party leaders took to the same stage for the last time before Thursday's General Election.

The Prime Minister, David Cameron and Nick Clegg each won warm applause as they set out their stalls in separate speeches to a rally of religious and community groups in Westminster, but did not debate directly or speak with one another.

The Prime Minister's speech was briefly interrupted by a man running on to the stage with a banner reading "NuKiller Power No", but Mr Brown was cheered as he forged on with his address after the protester was led away.

Visibly buoyed by his appearance before the Citizens UK assembly at Methodist Central Hall, a smiling Mr Brown told them: "You have given me heart today and you have inspired me by the way you are dealing with the important causes of our time."