Video Montage - Mixing Microsoft PPT & Samsung Master 1.1

  • 14 years ago
Video Montage Prepared By Mixing Microsoft Power Point and Samsung Master 1.1

Step 1: Prepare the main montage by using Microsoft Power Point (PPT).
Step 2: Shoot video while playing PPT video slideshow
Step 3: Open the video file (AVI) in Samsung Master 1.1
Step 4: Add "Text" for these words "this video for viewing" and its animation for text I used "Left-In" by positioning it at the bottom part on the video screen
Step 5: Add sound file for "Nightangle.wav" sound file
Step 6: I reproduced the mixed files into a new video

Next time, I will use this "Video Montage" (VM) to join it with my new video produced and it will be the VM to new video reproduction.

Indians and NRIs Monthly Super Singer Contest (SSC):
