Webber talks us through the Chinese GP

  • 14 years ago

Ahead of Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix, Red Bull's Mark Webber has narrated a lap around the track using the Red Bull's race simulator.

His team-mate Sebastien Vettel won the last race, the Malaysian Grand Prix, with Webber finishing second.

Now looking forward to the next race in Shanghai, Webber has illustrated the twists and turns of the circuit and its long, long straight which promotes overtaking of slow cars.

The first turn of the lap has been equated to the shell of a snail as it curls round and round before changing direction for a tight exit.

The Australian said that the middle section was "incredibly fast."

He added: "You see a Formula 1 car loaded very, very heavily through here and quite physical on the driver.

"Straight into a right-hander and then a double left, which is very, very tricky in terms of car balance and consistency, very important to get through those as cleanly as you can."