Trading Profit Mar 2010 | UP 35% | ...

  • 14 years ago
March 2010 Trading Profit is UP 35% Trading Performance must be managed at 2 levels: Portfolio and Trade specific. Return: Profit/Start of Year Cash Balance = $17,708/$50,000 = UP 35%. Key Performance Metrics ... Win/Loss Probability = 30/14 = 68%. Average Win/Average Loss = $762/$369 = $2.07 Won per $1 Loss. Performance Ratio = (Win/Loss Probability) x (Average Win/Average Loss) = 68% x $2.07 = 1.41. Positive Expectancy = (Win Probability x Average Win) - (Loss Probability x Average Loss) = (68% x $762) - (32% x $369) = $402 per trade. NO trade adjustments needed. For more, visit:
