Mephedrone to be banned within weeks

  • 14 years ago

Mephedrone is to be made a Class B drug and banned within weeks, Home Secretary Alan Johnson has announced.

The legal high, which has been linked to up to 25 deaths in England and Scotland, will be banned and made a Class B drug, he said.

The announcement came after Mr Johnson was given a report backing a ban on mephedrone - also known as meow-meow or plant food - from Professor Les Iversen, chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD).

There had been speculation that the late resignation of Dr Polly Taylor from the ACMD could delay a ban because of its membership rules. But a spokesman from the Home Office maintained the body was still able to fulfil its legal role.

Mephedrone is set to be classified as a Class B drug, alongside cannabis and amphetamines, carrying a maximum sentence of five years for possession or 14 years for supply.

These restrictions could be in place within weeks but Johnson announced that a ban on importing the drug will come into force immediately.