Rachel Weisz wins Best Actress at Oliviers

  • 14 years ago

Rachel Weisz and co-star Ruth Wilson won best Actress and Best Supporting Actress for their roles in A Streetcar Named Desire at the prestigious Laurence Olivier Awards.

Having received huge critical acclaim, Weisz's performance has given a new shine to the character of Blanche DuBois, a role that had become inextricably linked with the Oscar winning performance of Vivienne Leigh in the 1951 film.

The Best Actress category also included Keira Knightley for her performance in a resurrection of the classic play The Misanthrope.

Jude Law also attended as a prize-giver, awarding Best New Play to Katori Hall and her piece The Mountaintop.

Mark Rylance unsurprisingly won the best actor award for the groundbreaking Jerusalem, but the big winner of the night was the musical Spring Awakening winning four awards and catapulting it's young star Aneurin Barnard into the eyes of the acting world as one of the brightest talents in the UK.