• 14 years ago
L'Isle Adam Oise Sarcelles Pierrefitte Saint-Denis Paris France -- on this stormy day, February 28, 2010, we visited the VOYOUS VOYANTS VOYEURS art show of Clovis Trouille and others, including Anne Van der Linden in L'Isle Adam, France. I dropped off two examples of my art with the curator, and we took in this show for a second time. It's free on Sundays and this is a chic town about 30 km North of Paris, France. There have been terrible storms, and yesterday more than 40 people were killed. We drove down toward Sarcelles, and through Pierrefitte toward Saint-Denis. Do you see the Eiffel Tower in the distance in Pierrefitte? I am Lisa B. Falour, and the car is driven by my spouse. The car is a Citröen ZX "Flash" two-door, we have dubbed The Dinkmobile. It is a "pot-de-yaourt," meaning an old car we just park out for free in the street. Many who visit Paris develop "Paris Syndrome," which is a recognized mental illness in Japan! People save up to come here and get depressed.