Arizona Exercise Trainer 6 Causes Of Backache

  • 14 years ago
1.Weak muscles, due to lack of exercise. The body's muscles work together as a unit. The upper torso is held up by the shoulder muscles and upper back muscles (trapezius and lats) as well as the pectorals or chest muscles in front. The lower torso is carried by the abdominals in front and the lower back muscles. It's important for an exercise plan for back pain to work on not only the major back muscles, like the erector spinae, lats and trapezius but also muscles in the front of the body. The abdominal muscles are very important as they help to support the weight of the trunk and so keep the spine and upper body straight. The abs comprise the internal and external obliques down the side of your waist, and the six-pack muscles or the rectus abdominus, that run down the middle of your abdomen.
