The Rhythm Maniacs - Sweet Jennie Lee

  • 14 years ago
The Rhythm Maniacs appears to be pseudonym of a British band led by Arthur Lally; although he worked with many of the best British orchestras, he is largely forgotten today; as a result it was very difficult to find information and material. He was a gifted musician playing several instruments. Some of the orchestras he played with were the New Columbans, the Savoy Orpheans, the Devonshire Restaurant Dance Orchestra and Ambrose's band. In 1929 he founded his own orchestra that recorded under several pseudonyms and his own name. Some of the best British vocalists like Elwin, Browne and Bowlly appear on his records. Due to the Great Depression his orchestra disbanded in the mid-thirties, and he dedicated himself to score arranging. In his personal life, severe depression gradually and seriously deteriorated his physical and mental health, finally leading to his suicide in 1940. As for this wonderfully orchestrated record, it was probably made in 1931. The vocal might be by Maurice Elwin.