Sage Plant

  • 14 years ago
A song that came to me after my first studies in PermaCulture -

Sage woods signs on a page

page woods signs on a sage

Plastific ocean reality shows

Lawn cancer jeep in the jungle

Mono vulture oil bread spread

Lots of lead

it is either us or dead

Western head blood freedom and death

Save us from the industry inside

Save us from the self inflicted lies

Save us from the self strangling tie
Save us from munching poison pie

Black plant white dots man

black dots white man plant

a food forest on the tired land

a food forest on the tired land

Need greed deed defeat hope

asphalt on our earth and up above

Greed need defeat love love love

future food fly high white dove

Save us from the industry inside

Save us from the self inflicted lies

Save us from the self strangling tie

Save us from munchin' poison pie

Late state buy tv fate

late fate tv state bye bye

Forrest university life's polyphony

Diversity be forever free

the sun has risen

God greets up high
