Yvan Bubanja VS David Tuquet. On April, 07th, 1991. Melun, France

  • il y a 15 ans
Rematch behind closed doors between David TUQUET from U.S Melun against Yvan BUBANJA the Franco-Croatian from Belier Association, Paris 13. The first fight between them was on May, 22th, 1989, at the Sports Palace of Charenton-le-Pont in the context of a gala to the benefit of PERCE NEIGE Foundation created by the French actor Lino Ventura. At this time, David Tuquet won in the context of the qualifying place to the European junior championship. Two years later, in the class senior, on April, 07th, 1991, at David Tuquet's club in Melun, both boxers met themselves for a simple rematch but particularly intense. Note at the end of this fantastic and TOTAL fight won by Yvan BUBANJA, mutual respect between both athletes and the fair play of David.

The futur has made David TUQUET as runner-up of the elite France championship 1994, 1996, 1997 and finally crowned by the elite France champion title 2001 at Coubertin stadium, category welterweight : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbowqSLNrr8

And also semi-finalist at the world championship 2001, fight A.K.A "Rocky 2 fight" because of the boxers who gets knock down at the same time at 8.00 :

Yvan BUBANJA hung-up after three years and passed on his experience to his pupil M'hamed ABDELAOUI who became France champion middleweights on April 1st, 2000 at Coubertin stadium:

Yvan (full dark dress, flocked INSEP) is coached by Tony Moreno, David (white dress) by the coach of the U.S. Melun.

More on the Tuquet's career:

More on Yvan Bubanja :